# Guide

The guide should give enough information to get started using vuex-multi-history.

# Requirements

First you have to make sure that:

  • Node.js v8 or newer is installed
  • A Vue.js project that uses Vuex

# Installation

  1. Install the dependencies:
    npm install vuex-multi-history or yarn add vuex-multi-history

  2. Initialize the plugin:

    import {VuexMultiHistory} from 'vuex-multi-history';
    const vuexMultiHistory = new VuexMultiHistory();
  3. Register the plugin in the store:

    export default new Vuex.Store({
     state: {...},
     mutations: {...},
     plugins: [vuexMultiHistory.plugin],

    Now the plugin is registered in the store and ready to be used.

# Usage

# Managing histories

The following methods for managing histories are available on the store after the plugin was registered:

signature description
addHistory(historyKey: string): VuexHistory | undefined Adds a new history that is related to the given key.
- undefined will be returned if a history is already related to the given key.
hasHistory(historyKey: string) boolean Returns true if a history is related to the given key and false if not.
removeHistory(historyKey: string): VuexHistory | undefined Removes a history that is related to the given key.
- undefined will be returned if no history is related to the given key.
listHistoryKeys(): string[] Lists all keys that are related to histories.

These methods are also available on the VuexMultiHistory-instance, which you find more information about here.

For more information about the methods that were added to the store, take a look here.

# Controlling a history

A history can be retrieved by calling history(historyKey?: string) on the store. The first history gets returned if no key was passed.
This method will return an instance of VuexHistory that provides methods such as undo and redo.


If no history was found that is related to the given key, an error will be thrown.

The most important methods of VuexHistory are the following:

signature description
canUndo(amount: number = 1): boolean Returns true if the history can undo for the given amount and false if not.
canRedo(amount: number = 1): boolean Returns true if the history can redo for the given amount and false if not.
undo(amount: number = 1): VuexHistory Changes state to the state of the previous snapshot.
redo(amount: number = 1): VuexHistory Changes state to the state of the next snapshot.
goto(options: {id: number} | {index: number} | {instance: UniqueVuexHistory}): VuexHistory Changes state to the state that is found by the given id, index or instance. Only one is possible at a time.
clearHistory(): void Clears the history and overrides the initial state with the current.
reset(): void Resets the state of the history to the initial state.

More information about VuexHistory is available here.

# Options

Options of the type VuexMultiHistoryOptiosn can be passed to the constructor of VuexMultiHistory.


import { VuexMultiHistory } from 'vuex-multi-history';

const vuexMultiHistory = new VuexMultiHistory({
  debug: true,
  size: 20,
  histories: {
    resolve: (mutation) => {
      return mutation.type === 'someMutation' ? 'keyB' : 'keyA';
    keys: ['keyA', 'keyB'],

# VuexMultiHistoryOptions

key type default description
debug boolean false Determines whether additional debug information should be shown.
filter FilterFunction returns true Determines whether the given mutation should be processed by the plugin.
size number 50 Sets the maximum amount of snapshots a history can hold before replacing the oldest.
histories HistoriesOptions - -
transform TransformOptions - -

More information about VuexMultiHistoryOptions is available here.

# FilterFunction

The FilterFunction is called when a mutation was committed. It determines whether the mutation should be further processed.
It has the following signature:

(this: VuexMultiHistory, mutation: MutationPayload) => boolean

If true is returned the mutation will be further processed and if false is returned the mutation will be skipped.

More information about FilterFunction is available here.

# HistoriesOptions

key type default description
keys string[] ['default'] Sets the default keys that are used to create the initial histories.
resolve ResolveFunction returns first key Determines to which histories a snapshot will be added for the given mutation.

More information about HistoriesOptions is available here.

# ResolveFunction

The ResolveFunction is called after the FilterFunction. It determines based on the mutation to which histories a snapshot will be added.
It has the following signature:

(this: VuexMultiHistory, mutation: MutationPayload) => string[]

The resulting array should be filled with strings that are each related to a history.

More information about ResolveFunction is available here.

# TransformOptions

key type default description
serialize SerializeFunction returns the whole state Allows reducing the data that will be saved in a snapshot.
deserialize DeserializeFunction return the whole stateData Allows rebuilding the state data from the reduced data in a snapshot.

More information about TransformOptions is available here.

# SerializeFunction

The SerializeFunction is called whenever a snapshot is added. It allows reducing the data that will be saved in the snapshot based on the historyKey.
It has the following signature:

(this: VuexMultiHistory, historyKey: string, state: any) => any

The resulting data will be the snapshot's data.

More information about the SerializeFunction is available here.

# DeserializeFunction

The DeserializeFunction is called whenever a snapshot's data is used to change the current state. It allows rebuilding the state data frm the reduced data in a snapshot.
It has the following signature:

(this: VuexMultiHistory, historyKey: string, stateData: any, state: any) => any

The resulting data will be used to replace the current state.

More information about the DeserializeFunction is available here.